Shark Teeth in Kids: What Parents Need to Know
As parents, it can be a little alarming to notice your child’s permanent teeth growing in before their baby teeth have fallen out. This condition, commonly referred to as “shark teeth,” is actually quite common and not a cause for immediate concern.
What Are Shark Teeth?
Shark teeth occur when a permanent tooth erupts behind a baby tooth before the baby tooth has fallen out. This can lead to the appearance of a double row of teeth, much like a shark’s mouth—hence the nickname! This typically happens in children around the ages of 5-7, but it can also occur later.
Why Does This Happen?
Shark teeth occur when the root of the baby tooth does not fully dissolve as it should, preventing the tooth from loosening and falling out. In most cases, the baby tooth will still eventually come out on its own as the permanent tooth continues to grow in.
Should You Be Concerned?
The good news is that shark teeth are generally not an emergency. In many cases, the baby tooth will become loose and fall out naturally within a few weeks or months. Encourage your child to wiggle the tooth gently to help it along.
However, if the baby tooth does not become loose after a few months or if your child is experiencing discomfort, we’re here to help! At Smiles for Kids, we can easily and comfortably remove the stubborn baby tooth to make room for the new permanent tooth.
When to Call Us
If you notice that the baby tooth is not loosening on its own after a few months, or if your child is experiencing pain or difficulty eating, give us a call at 445-400-5601. We’ll be happy to take a look and determine if an extraction is necessary.
At Smiles for Kids, we want to make sure your child’s smile is healthy and developing properly. Shark teeth may look a little unusual, but they are just another part of growing up. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to keep your child’s smile bright and healthy!